Friday, August 31, 2007

When Auntie Martha was here....

When our mummy was younger she had a best friend. Her name was Martha. They spent a lot of time with each other and shared many experiences. Martha's parents, Fred and Ann, were also very important to our Mom. She learned a lot from Martha and her family and is forever grateful for the way they have shaped her life and the lessons they have taught her.

When Martha and Mum grew up they realized that they still had very much in common. They, in fact, had led similar lives. Even though they did not live in the same town during college or the years after they were interested in the same things. Marthie speaks and teaches Spanish. Mum speaks and teaches French. They both teach special ed. They both like to run and exercise. And they both love us very very much!

Our Auntie Martha is the best. She came when we were very small to help out our mom and dad. She visits us often and usually brings presents! She plays with us, holds us and loves us. We love her and uncle Ted. Here are some recent pictures from the last time they were here.

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