Saturday, July 28, 2007

surviving the cast

Madeleine will feel so much better when she doesn't have a cast on that goes all the way to her armpits!
Maxy and Daddy at Volunteer Park in front of the Asian Art Museum. The one time when Max wasn't trying to take his hat off.
Mommy and Madeleine in the sling.
At the Cheesecake Factory when Auntie Paula was here and we met Daddy for lunch.

10 days 19 hours 23 minutes and 09 seconds until the cast comes off. We are surviving. Madeleine is amazing. She crawls with her belly off the floor and drags that huge cast around. She pulls herself to stand and bears weight on the cast or sometimes just stands on one leg. She likes it when I hold her hands and she "tries" to walk, she shifts her weight to one side when it is time to move the left leg (the casted one). I know that she will walk soon with her prosthesis and we are all looking forward to it.

Max is an avid walker now. He can get from a seated position to standing. He can stoop and recover and has learned how to walk quickly away from me! When Max walks Madeleine laughs. She is living vicariously through him and his accomplishments become her pride. So it is with twins.


jenna said...
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jenna said...

Not long now!!! I cant wait to see Madeline wear her new helper leg!!!! She will be out running Max in no time. Im so excited for the cast to be off and the new journey to begin!