- Why does she wake up at almost exactly the same times every night?
- Is it habit? If so, how do I break it?
- Is Melatonin right for her and for me? (as I have now become so anxious that she will wake up I have a terrible time getting to sleep too)
- Is she ready to sleep in a twin bed?
- Could her rousing in the middle of the night be what is occasionally waking Max up too?
- Do night terrors start this young? Is it possible?
- What do I do?
- What should I expect for an average two year old?
- How many hours of sleep do kids' need at this age?
- What about naps? How long? Is there a 'perfect schedule'?
- Could food/juice affect night waking or difficulty falling asleep? (besides caffeine)
- What do I do?
How did it go??
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